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Preis: 321,62 RON/Person

618,50 RON/person for a group of 1 people

321,62 RON/person for a group of 2 people

272,14 RON/person for a group of 3 people

Dauer: 8h

Personen: min: 1 max: 3

Visit typ: Privat

Visit Sprache:

Rückerstattungsbedingungen: Flexibel

organisiert von Adela Dadu

Adventure on the Transfagarasan Road

aktiv & natur


The price includes guide and transport. The price is flexible according to the number of participants and attractions included.
The prices includes the admission fee at Carta Abbey or the Clay Castle.

Visit Beschreibung

One of the greatest places to visit in Romania is, definitely, the Transfagarasan road. It was built in the ’70s, during Communism, at the highest altitude in Romania, in the heart of the Carpathians (at about 2000 m altitude). The road was built with so many life sacrifices, initially being a military strategic road. Today it is considered one of the most spectacular roads in the world.

In September 2009, the British television show Top Gear shoot a TV show along the road. TV host Jeremy Clarkson claimed the Transfagarasan as “the best road in the world”.

*As extra visits, we can add the former Cistercian Abbey or, even the little Fairy Tale Clay Castle.

Orte die wir besuchen werden

1. Castelul Corvinilor, Strada Castelului, Hunedoara, Romania

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Wo wir uns treffen werden

Piata Mica, Sibiu, Romania

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Corvini Castle Day Trip

Sibiu, Romania

Dauer: 8h

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Just Visit


Just-Visit Standorte:

Sibiu (Hermannstadt) - Rumänien

Barcelona - Spanien

Dakar - Senegal


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