Visit Ndiass with a local guide

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Ndiass is a village and rural community in the M'bour Department in the Thies Region of Senegal. It is located 40 kilometres (25 mi) southeast of Dakar. According to PEPAM, Diass has a population of 4794. Blaise Diagne International Airport, Senegal's primary airport, is located nearby.

Source of description text: Wikipedia.

Visits in Ndiass

Transfert aéroport-Sine Saloum (coté Palmarin, Djiffer, Ndangane)

transportation & transfers
113,80 RON

Transfert aéroport-Sine Saloum (coté Palmarin, Djiffer, Ndangane)

M'bour, Senegal

Duration: 2h

Visit language: French

Visit type: private

Price: 113,80 RON/person (discounts for groups available)

transportation & transfers Details

Transfert VERS l'aéroport de Sine Saloum (Palmarin, Djiffer, Ndangane

transportation & transfers
113,80 RON

Transfert VERS l'aéroport de Sine Saloum (Palmarin, Djiffer, Ndangane

M'bour, Senegal

Duration: 2h

Visit language: French

Visit type: private

Price: 113,80 RON/person (discounts for groups available)

transportation & transfers Details

Ndiass in images
