Preț: € 44,00/persoană
€ 216,00/person for a group of 1 people
€ 110,00/person for a group of 2 people
€ 74,00/person for a group of 3 people
€ 59,00/person for a group of 4 people
€ 51,00/person for a group of 5 people
€ 44,00/person for a group of 6 people
Rezervă acumDurată: 12h
Persoane: min: 1 max: 6
Tipul vizitei: privat
Limba vizitei:
Politica de returnare a banilor: flexible

One day Transylvania Tour from Bucharest with a Private Guide (Bran &
cultural gastronomie tururi clasice activ & naturaInclus
- Professional guiding services in English/Spanish/Italian/Turkish.- Transportation, parking fees.
- Road taxes, fuel.
Transportation will be in a modern A/C family car, Volkswagen Touran, with plenty of room for 7 persons (5 adults plus 2 children).
Descrierea vizitei
I'm glad to hear you are interested in visiting our country! I promise you you'll come as a guest and leave as a friend, with unforgettable memories and beautiful photos.
Let's explore together some of the secrets of Transylvania!
We will visit together 2 beautiful castles, an old orthodox monastery and the medieval part of Brasov, one of our country's most interesting cities. We will take a sink into the history, geography, traditions of our country, but also the reality of today's Romania. Beautiful scenery and a shot of REAL Romania are the secret ingredients of this tour.
I value very much your time here, so if traffic&weather conditions allow, I might have other surprises for you. I want you to get the best of your day out of town! Anyway, I promise you will enjoy it and these 12 hours will pass very fast :)
Looking forward to seeing you!
NOTE: I can create a customized tour for you in case you have special requests or if you are more than 6 persons
Locuri pe care le vom vizita
1. Castelul Peles, Romania
2. Castelul Bran, Strada General Traian Moșoiu, Bran, Romania
3. Piața Sfatului 15, Brașov, Romania
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