Preț: 123,70 RON/persoană
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Sibiu Walking tour
English or German speaking guideDescrierea vizitei
Big Square - Haller House - Brukenthal Museum - Town Hall - Catholic Church - Council Tower - Small Square with the „Eyes of the City“ - Luxemburg House - Pharmacy Museum - Liars` Bridge - Huet Square - Evangelic Church - Brukenthal High School - Stairs Passage - „The Lower City“ - Orthodox Cathedral - Citadel wall with the 3 towers - Thalia Hall - Schiller Square - The General`s Tunnel – end of the tour in the Big Square
Big Square - Haller House - Brukenthal Museum - Town Hall - Catholic Church - Council Tower - Small Square with the „Eyes of the City“ - Luxemburg House - Pharmacy Museum - Liars` Bridge - Huet Square - Evangelic Church - Brukenthal High School - Stairs Passage - „The Lower City“ - Orthodox Cathedral - Citadel wall with the 3 towers - Thalia Hall - Schiller Square - The General`s Tunnel – end of the tour in the Big Square
Locuri pe care le vom vizita
1. Piata Albert Huet, Sibiu, România
2. Piața Mică, Sibiu, România
3. Piața Mare, Sibiu, România
4. Strada Cetății, Sibiu, România
5. Strada Nicolae Bălcescu, Sibiu, România
6. Strada Mitropoliei, Sibiu, România
7. Piața Friedrich Schiller, Sibiu, România
8. Piața Cibin, Sibiu, România
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