Preț: € 18,00/persoană
Durată: 2h 30m
Persoane: min: 2 max: 40
Tipul vizitei: open
Limba vizitei:
Politica de returnare a banilor: flexible

Sibiu Walking Tour
cultural gastronomieInclus
The price doesn't include any admission fee at the attractions we visit.The price is flexible, calculated according to the number of participants!
Descrierea vizitei
I invite you to join me and discover its amazing history and heritage, beautiful old sights and diversified architecture. Sibiu is also known for its great cultural and sports events, ethnic diversity (a known multicultural county) and delicious cuisine. During our tour we'll visit the old town with the most important tourist attractions among which: the Big Square, the Little Square, beautiful old churches, the former defensive walls and towers, the philharmonic, the Liars' Bridge, the Journeymen House, the Brukenthal Palace.
I invite you to an interesting, knowledgeable and fun experience in Sibiu!
Recenzii despre Sibiu Walking Tour
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Alte vizite alături de Adela Dadu
Adventure on the Transfagarasan Road
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Limba vizitei: română
Tipul vizitei: privat
Preț: € 65,00/persoană (există discount-uri pentru grupuri)
activ & natura DetaliiCorvini Castle Day Trip
Durată: 8h
Limba vizitei: engleză, spaniolă, franceză
Tipul vizitei: privat
Preț: € 85,00/persoană (există discount-uri pentru grupuri)
cultural Detalii