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Blaise age 55
About me:
Aciv dans le tourisme depuis 13ans, fortement impliqué dans le développement de la region de Siné-Saloum et du développement communautaire, j'adore presenter la region et organiser des ballades en pirogue, caleche etc
Reviews about Blaise from his guests

PRO: “Made this tour with my family and it really did worth. Blaise has a lot of knowledge about this beautiful region and it is a pleasure to spend this day with him. I really recommend this tour but also Blaise generally as a guide.”
written by Gabriel Sandru · Dakar, Senegal · mars 2018
Gabriel Sandru wrote this review after taking part in Excursion Siné Saloum / Falia
Blaise’s tours
Excursion Siné Saloum / Falia
Duration: 4h
Visit language: anglais, espagnol, français
Visit type: open
Price: € 25,00/person
gastronomie actif & nature Details