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Christian 38 ani

Limbi vorbite: Interese: istorie fotografie plimbari natură muzică sport viata de noapte drumetii ciclism

Despre mine:

Hello there, my name is Chris. Not a long time ago I got back to my City, Sibiu (one of the main reasons, the romanian food). I havent been so interested in the history of the region only after getting back and starting working with tourists. This kind of triggered the will to get to know more and more about the region.

Membru din Feb 2018 Online acum 5 luni 0 Recenzii

Vizitele alaturi de Christian

Sibiu Walking tour

€ 25,00

Sibiu Walking tour

Sibiu, România

Durată: 2h

Limba vizitei: germană, engleză

Tipul vizitei: open

Preț: € 25,00/persoană

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